The following poem is an excerpt from the book, Prayer Poems. It is inspired by The Song of Solomon writings of the Bible. We believe we are the Bride of Christ and this poem symbolizes this relationship between the lovely Bridegroom and His cherished Bride told from the perspective of Jesus.


(Adapted from Song of Solomon 2:1)

I have a promised Bride,

She is a lily among thorns.

What she doesn’t see in her beauty,

My love in her adorns.

We like to recline under the apple tree,

My presence is her delight.

Our pure desire is seen there,

When, in Spirit, our hearts unite.

My promised sister, my Bride,

We are lovesick and I cannot deny,

The love I feel for her,

Brings me to tears, I often cry.

My desire is forever to be with her,

My greatest creation, my pride,

She is the completion of my heart,

My ecstasy, O, my promised Bride.

So I bring her to the banquet,

And fly a banner, which is love.

That forever, all will see her,

And know, I gave all, to possess her love.


“’But what about you?’ he asked. ‘Who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus replied, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.’”

Matthew 16:15-17 (AMP)


  1. Ronda P says:

    Lisa, I love this poem, “The Bridegroom’s Song”. What a beautiful depiction of Christ’s love for His cherished people. Thankyou for sharing your gift of poetry. Keep writing and sharing!

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